Our Services

ID Serviço Preço por 1000 Pedido mínimo Pedido máximo Tempo médio
🔥 Follower ~ Like [Work For Any Platform]
6644 Likes [Work For Any Platform Link] [Real-User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill No] $5.9792 1 30 000 Dados insuficientes
6643 Followers [Work For Any Platform Link] [Real-User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill No] $10.155 1 20 000 Dados insuficientes
6353 GitHub Likes/Rate ~ Real-Active User - 0/1 Hour - 500/3k Day - Refill No $6.363 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
6352 GitHub Follower ~ Real-Active User - 0/1 Hour - 500/3k Day - Refill No $10.605 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
6581 GitHub Share ~ Real-Active User - 0/1 Hour - 100/3k Day - Refill No $21.21 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
6777 kwai Followers ~ 🇧🇷 Brazil🇧🇷 - 0/20 mins - 1k-5k Day - Refill 30 days $0.9426 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
6778 kwai Views ~ 🇧🇷 Brazil🇧🇷 - 0/20 mins - 1k Day - Refill 30 days $0.4949 100 600 000 Dados insuficientes
6779 kwai Likes ~ 🇧🇷 Brazil🇧🇷 - 0/20 mins - 1k Day - Refill 30 days $0.4049 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Linkedin Likes
2986 Linkedin ~ Post Likes + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 500-1k Day $5.8032 1 10 000 8278 horas 51 minutos
6648 Linkedin ~ Post Likes + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill 30 Days - 500/1k Day $10.40 5 1 000 40 horas 48 minutos
2746 Linkedin Post Impressions ~ 0/1 Hour - 100k-Day - Refill No $0.3192 100 5 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Linkedin Post Reactions
6665 Linkedin Post ~ Reaction 💡Insightfull + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 100-2k Day $7.168 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
6666 Linkedin Post ~ Reaction 😁Funny+ Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 100-2k Day $7.168 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
6667 Linkedin Post ~ Reaction ❤️Love + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 100-2k Day $7.168 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
6668 Linkedin Post ~ Reaction 👏Celebrate + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 100-2k Day $7.168 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
6669 Linkedin Post ~ Reaction 🫴Support + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 100-2k Day $7.168 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
6670 Linkedin Post ~ Mix Reaction 😁💡❤️ 👏🫴 + Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill No - 100-2k Day $7.168 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
Linkedin Followers
2015 Linkedin Follower ~ Real Worldwide User - 0/1 Hour - 1k-5k Day - Refill No $10.4935 1 10 000 145 horas 9 minutos
6351 Linkedin Page/Company Follower ~ 0/10 Mins - Drop No - Refill 30 Days $13.20 10 1 000 21 horas 9 minutos
6350 Linkedin Profile Follower ~ 0/10 Mins - Drop No - Refill 30 Days $13.20 10 1 000 27 horas 42 minutos
Linkedin Connection
6592 Linkedin Connection ~ Real Worldwide User - 0/1 Hour - 1k-5k Day - Refill No $10.832 1 10 000 7436 horas 36 minutos
Linkedin Comments [Random/Custom]
5710 linkedin Comment [Random] [Start:1-3Hour] [Speed:30-50 Day] [Refill:No] [Drop:No] [Real] $15.00 1 1 000 55812 horas 37 minutos
6650 Linkedin ~ Random Comment+Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill 30 Days - 350-500 Day $18.00 10 10 000 Dados insuficientes
6649 Linkedin ~ Custom Comment+Impressions - 0/10 Mins - Refill 30 Days - 350-500 Day $24.00 10 10 000 972 horas 5 minutos
linkedin Repost
242 linkedin Repost + Impressions [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:50-300 Day] [Refill:No] [Real-User] $12.699 1 10 000 19233 horas 17 minutos
6651 Linkedin ~ Repost - 0/10 Mins - Refill 30 Days - 500 Day $12.50 10 20 000 254 horas 21 minutos
Google Map Reviews
5717 Google Map Review ~ 5 Star Rating+ Custom Comment - 0/1 Hour - Drop No - Refill 30 days $2,800.00 1 1 000 49375 horas 34 minutos
5725 Google Map Review ~ 5 Star Rating+ Random Comment - 0/1 Hour - Drop No - Refill 30 days $2,000.00 1 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5718 Google Map Review [5 Star Rating + Random Comment] [Worldwide] [5-20 Day] [R-30] [No-Drop] [Real] $2,200.00 1 1 000 1955 horas 42 minutos
WhatsApp - Member
5761 WhatsApp ~ Real Channel Member - 0/1 Hour ~ 100/1000 Per Day - Refill No $9.09 1 100 000 1021 horas 12 minutos
6781 WhatsApp ~ Channel Member - 0/1 Hour ~ 100/1000 Per Day - Refill No $8.1903 10 3 000 Dados insuficientes
6318 WhatsApp ~ Real Group Member - 0/4 Hour ~ 100/500 Per Day - Refill No $9.09 1 10 000 190 horas 28 minutos
WhatsApp - Channel Reactions
6343 Whatsapp Channel ~ Mix Positive Reactions - 0/1 Hour - 100/2k Day - Refill No $4.47 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
2745 Discord Server Member [0/1 Hour] [Real-User] [Worldwide] [500/5k Day] [No Refill] $9.6152 1 100 000 481 horas 18 minutos
Snapchat Likes
5350 Snapchat ~ Spotlight Likes+Views ~ Real-Active User - Worldwide - 0/1 Hour - 1k/5k Day $5.661 1 100 000 359 horas 43 minutos
SnapChat Add Friends/Follow
5349 Snapchat- Add Friend/Follower ~Real Active User - Refill No ~ 100/1k Day - 0/2 Hour $17.50 1 10 000 264 horas 2 minutos
4074 ID 4074 - Snapchat Follower Arab - [0-12 Hour] [100-Follower] [Put-Username] $20.2246 1 1 Dados insuficientes
4111 ID 4111- Snapchat Follower Arab - [0-12 Hour] [200-Follower] [Put-Username] $40.4491 1 1 Dados insuficientes
4112 ID 4112- Snapchat Follower Arab - [0-12 Hour] [300-Follower] [Put-Username] $60.6736 1 1 Dados insuficientes
925 ID 925- Snapchat Follower Arab - [0-12 Hour] [500-Follower] [Put-Username] $101.1226 1 1 Dados insuficientes
926 ID 926- Snapchat Follower Arab - [0-12 Hour] [1000-Follower] [Put-Username] $121.3471 1 1 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Post Likes
460 Facebook - Post Likes -Vietnam User - Refill No ~ 500/1k Day - 0/10 Mins $0.9736 50 10 000 14 horas 17 minutos
3034 Facebook - Post Likes -Vietnam User - Refill No ~ 100/2k Day - 5/10 mins $0.9576 50 50 000 8 horas
3031 ID 3031 - Facebook Post Likes [Vietnam] [Instant] [No-Refill] [2k/Hour] [50k/Day] $0.9975 50 50 000 16 horas 49 minutos
3971 Facebook - Post Likes -Veitnam User - Refill No ~ 500/1k Hour - 1-10 mins $0.9576 50 50 000 4 horas 39 minutos
5838 Facebook - Post Likes - Vietnam User - Refill No ~ 2k/10k Hour - 1-10 mins $0.9417 50 20 000 3 horas 33 minutos
3553 Facebook - Post Likes -Vietnam User - Refill No ~ 500/1k Hour - 1-10 mins $1.0232 50 10 000 16 horas 25 minutos
5098 Facebook - Post Likes -Worldwide User - Refill 30 days ~ 1k/5k Day - 1-10 mins $1.794 50 200 000 23 horas 54 minutos
1882 Facebook Post Likes [Start:0-2 mins] [Speed:1k-Hour] [No-Drop] [Refill:30 Days] $1.4946 30 10 000 117 horas 1 minuto
1945 ID 1945 - Facebook Likes [ Reels ] [8-10k/Day] [0-30 Mins Start] [No-Refill] $0.9822 100 200 000 5 horas 34 minutos
1012 Facebook Post Likes [Real-Active User] [Worldwide] [0/1 hour] [1k-10k Day] [Refill No] $3.85 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5101 ID 5101- Facebook Post Like [World-Wide] [1k-5k Day] [Real-User] [No-Drop] [0-10 Mins] $13.32 10 10 000 Dados insuficientes
3556 Facebook Post Likes [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 50 000 8 horas 19 minutos
fb post like extra
4617 ID 4617 - Facebook Live Stream Video Likes [👍Like👍] [NEW] $0.55 50 1 000 000 8 horas 51 minutos
3696 ID 3696 - Facebook Live Stream Video Likes [😂HaHa😂] $0.9822 50 50 000 Dados insuficientes
4156 ID 4156 - Facebook Post Likes [Start time:20 mins] [Speed:2k-6k Day] [R-30] $1.7628 50 200 000 41 horas
4425 Facebook Post Likes [🇷🇺Russia🇷🇺] [Start time:0-1 Hour] [Speed/5K Day] [No-Refill] $6.00 100 100 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Post Reaction [😂❤️🥰😮😥😡]
1610 Facebook Post Reaction [😂HaHa😂] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k Hour] [Refill:No] $0.9417 50 10 000 18 horas 32 minutos
1611 Facebook Post Reaction [❤️Love❤️] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k Hour] [Refill:No] $0.9417 50 10 000 71 horas 56 minutos
1612 Facebook Post Reaction [🥰Care🥰] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k Hour] [Refill:No] $0.9417 50 10 000 29 horas 56 minutos
1613 Facebook Post Reaction[😮WoW😮] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k-Hour] [Refill:No] $0.9417 50 10 000 25 horas 19 minutos
1614 Facebook Post Reaction [😥SAD😥] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k Hour] [Refill:No] $0.9417 50 10 000 18 horas 18 minutos
1615 Facebook Post Reaction [😡Angry😡] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k Hour] [Refill:No] $0.9417 50 10 000 23 horas 59 minutos
1532 😂❤️🥰😮😥😡---------------- SERVICE 2 😂❤️🥰😮😥😡----------------- $1,000,000.00 100 000 100 000 000 2 horas 17 minutos
1624 Facebook Post Reaction [😂Haha😂] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:1k-5k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 10 000 17 horas 11 minutos
1625 Facebook Post Reaction [❤️Love❤️] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:1k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 10 000 19 horas
1622 Facebook Post Reaction [😥SAD😥] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:1k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 10 000 8 horas 6 minutos
1623 Facebook Post Reaction [😮WoW😮] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:10k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 10 000 3 horas 28 minutos
1621 Facebook Post Reaction [😡Angry😡] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:1k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 100 000 12 horas 38 minutos
3019 Facebook Post Reaction [🥰Care🥰] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:1k-10k-Day] [Refill:No] $0.9659 50 10 000 13 horas 57 minutos
Facebook Comment [Random]
3066 Facebook Comment [Random] [World-Wide] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:500-Day] $14.544 5 1 000 Dados insuficientes
4045 Facebook Post Comments [Worldwide] [Real-ADS] [0-10 mins] [500-1k Day] [No-Drop] $14.544 1 100 000 62788 horas 2 minutos
5549 Facebook Comment + Impressions [Random] [Start:1 Hour] [1K Day] [WorldWide User] $13.56 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5849 Facebook Comment [Random] [Start:10 Mins] [Speed:1k-Day] [World-Wide User] [R:30] $14.00 5 1 000 23056 horas 21 minutos
1652 Facebook Comments [Random] [French-Language] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:100-Day] $35.00 10 100 000 Dados insuficientes
1658 Facebook Comments [Random] [Spanish-Language] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:100-Day] $35.00 10 100 000 Dados insuficientes
1660 Facebook Comments [Random] [English-Language] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:100-Day] $35.00 50 100 000 Dados insuficientes
1661 Facebook Comments [Random] [Russian-Language] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:100-Day] $35.00 10 100 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Comments [Custom]
2804 Facebook Comment [Custom] [Start:20 Mins] [100-500 Day] [WorldWide User] $36.00 10 10 000 675 horas 49 minutos
333 Facebook Comment [Custom] [Start:10 Mins] [Speed:1k-Day] [World-Wide User] [R:30] $15.00 10 1 000 132 horas 42 minutos
Facebook Comments [Emoji]
3067 Facebook Comment [Emoji] [Start:0-6 mins] [100-Day] [Real-User] [no-Drop] $23.6118 10 10 000 1135 horas 52 minutos
Facebook Comment Reply [Random/Custom]
4630 Facebook Comment Reply [Custom] [Start:10 Mins] [Speed:3k-Day] [Vietnam] [Refill:No] $4.8136 10 100 000 137 horas 52 minutos
4632 Facebook Comment Reply [Custom] [Start:20 Mins] [Speed:5k-Day] [Vietnam] [Refill:No] $18.00 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
4334 Facebook Comment Reply [Random] [Start:20 Mins] [Speed:200-Day] [Worldwide-User] [Refill:No] $59.0472 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
4335 Facebook Comment Reply [Custom] [Start:20 Mins] [Speed:200-Day] [Worldwide-User] [Refill:No] $70.859 10 10 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Comment Likes
5002 Facebook ~ Comment Likes - Vietnam User- 0/5 mins - 300-1k Hour - Refill No $0.9857 50 100 000 Dados insuficientes
3904 Facebook Comment Likes [Start:10 mins] [Speed:5k-Day] [Refill:No] [Vietnam User] $0.9659 50 100 000 1739 horas 24 minutos
4614 Facebook Comment Likes [Start:5 mins] [Speed:8k-Day] [Refill:No] [Vietnam User] $0.9857 50 100 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Comment [Reaction 😂❤️🥰😮😥😡]
5851 Facebook Comment Reaction [👍Like👍] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $1.1341 50 10 000 1341 horas 14 minutos
5852 Facebook Comment Reaction [❤️Love❤️] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $1.1341 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5853 Facebook Comment Reaction [🥰Care🥰] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $1.1341 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5854 Facebook Comment Reaction [😮WoW😮] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $1.1341 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5855 Facebook Comment Reaction [😥SAD😥] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $1.1341 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5856 Facebook Comment Reaction [😡Angry😡] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $0.9854 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5857 Facebook Comment Reaction [😂Haha😂] [Start:2 mins] [Speed:5k-10k Day] [Refill:No] $2.2684 10 10 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Share
833 Facebook Share ~ Post Only - Vietnam user- 0/1 Hour- 100/3k day - Refill No $0.3384 200 2 147 483 647 1 hora 27 minutos
624 Facebook Share ~ 0/10 mins - 100/1k Day - Refill No - Vietnam User $0.7608 10 10 000 43 horas 36 minutos
5257 Facebook Share To Wall ~ 0/10 mins - 500+ Hour - Refill No - Vietnam User $4.8345 10 10 000 17 horas 53 minutos
2985 Facebook Share On Feed [Start:10 mins] [Speed:10k-Day] [Refill:No] [Vietnam user] $5.0121 10 10 000 16 horas 14 minutos
4051 Facebook Share [Start:10 mins] [WorldWide Real User] [Speed:100-500 Day] [Refill:No] $5.592 10 100 000 37 horas 22 minutos
1675 ID 1675 - Facebook Post Shares [Real-Share In Group] [10k-Day] [High-Quality] $10.00 100 10 000 Dados insuficientes
1531 Facebook Share +Impressions [Start:1 Hour] [1k-Day] [WorldWide User] [refill:no] $14.443 1 5 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Friend Request
4615 Facebook Friend Request [0/1 Hour] [100/1k Day] [Real-Worldwide User] [Refill No] $7.878 1 1 000 1728 horas 2 minutos
4952 Facebook Friend Request [🇩🇪Germany🇩🇪] [Start:1 Hour] [Super-Real] [Speed:100 Day] [Refill:Lifetime] [Drop:No] $287.50 5 250 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Group Member
4620 Facebook - Group Member -Vietnam User - Refill No ~5k/20k Day - 0/10 Mins [Base-20k] $0.4929 10 20 000 12 horas 7 minutos
3554 Facebook - Group Member -Vietnam User - Refill No ~1k/5k Day - 0-10 mins [Base-20k] $1.4734 50 20 000 Dados insuficientes
5261 Facebook - Group Member -Vietnam User - Refill No ~10k/20k Day - 0/10 Mins [Base-50k] $1.4786 10 50 000 1 hora 51 minutos
3389 Facebook Group Member [Start:5 mins] [Speed:10k-Day] [Refill:No] [Vietnam Real-User] $2.54 50 1 000 000 11 horas 56 minutos
4951 Facebook ~ Group Member - 0/1 Hour - 1k-5k Day - Refill No - Worldwide User $8.424 1 10 000 3361 horas 47 minutos
Facebook Premium [Page Likes/Follower/Profile Follower]
1536 Facebook Page Likes+Followers [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill 30 Days] $1.92 100 200 000 14 horas 14 minutos
577 Facebook Profile Followers [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill 30 Days] $1.44 100 200 000 23 horas 36 minutos
Facebook Page [Likes + Followers] [Work On All Pages]
3685 Facebook Page Likes+Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-10k Day] [Refill No] $1.2281 100 200 000 Dados insuficientes
4623 Facebook Page Likes+Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-10k Day] [Refill No] $1.452 150 20 000 Dados insuficientes
1926 Facebook Page~ Likes+Followers -Vietnam User - Refill 30 days ~5k/20k Day - 0-1 Hour $1.7628 100 200 000 34 horas 48 minutos
3426 Facebook Page Likes+Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [3k-10k Day] [Refill No] $2.3206 100 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3273 Facebook Page Likes+Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill No] $2.0627 100 3 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3577 Facebook Page [Likes+Follower] [0/1 Hour] [Real-User] [Worldwide] [100/500 Day] [No Refill] $4.545 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
4601 ID 4601 - Facebook [Profile-Page] Likes + Followers [No-Drop] [Real And Active Users][500-2k] day $7.80 50 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Page Followers
3561 Facebook Page Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-20k Day] [Refill No] $0.348 100 2 000 000 6 horas 3 minutos
4546 Facebook Page Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill No] $1.116 50 10 000 7 horas 27 minutos
133 Facebook Page Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-10kDay] [Refill No] $1.7748 100 50 000 Dados insuficientes
4459 Facebook Page Follower [Start:10 Mins] [Speed:1k-30k Day] [Refill:No] [Vietnam] $1.8826 10 20 000 Dados insuficientes
135 Facebook Page Followers [All Pages] [0/20 mins] [100-1k Day] [Refill No] [Worldwide User] $8.64 10 100 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Profile Followers
5003 Facebook Profile Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-20k Day] [Refill No] $0.9822 100 500 000 18 horas 13 minutos
1596 Facebook Profile Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-10kDay] [Refill No] $1.7748 100 50 000 Dados insuficientes
1925 Facebook Profile Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill No] $1.9644 100 100 000 Dados insuficientes
2984 Facebook Profile Followers [Vietnam User] [0-1 Hour] [1k-5k Day] [Refill No] [5m] $3.1156 100 100 000 Dados insuficientes
2724 Facebook Profile Follower [Start:5 mins] [Speed:10k-Day] [Refill:30 Dyas] $1.311 100 2 000 000 65 horas 35 minutos
3558 Facebook Follower - Profile -Vietnam User - Refill No ~1k/5k Day - 1-10 mins $0.975 100 500 000 000 9 horas 4 minutos
1670 ID 1670- Facebook Profile Followers [1-3 Hour] [10k-Day] [R-90] $2.2572 1 000 10 000 Dados insuficientes
486 ID 486- Facebook Profile Followers [0-20 mins] [20k-Day] [R-30] $3.76 1 000 500 000 2 horas 4 minutos
5102 Facebook Profile Followers [All Pages] [0/20 mins] [100-1k Day] [Refill No] [Worldwide User] $8.64 10 10 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Page Reviews
6591 Facebook Page Review [0/1 Hour] [Real-User] [Worldwide] [100/500 Day] [No Refill] $16.968 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
5902 Facebook Page Review [Start-3 Hour] [5 Star Rating] [Drop-no] [Worldwide User] $150.00 3 50 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Reel Views
3598 Facebook Reel Views ~ 0/20 mins - 500-5k Day - Refill Lifetime - Drop No $0.0129 500 100 000 000 80 horas 22 minutos
3586 Facebook ~ Reel View - 1k/20k Day - Refill Lifetime - 0/1 Hour $0.032 500 10 000 000 39 horas 29 minutos
4354 Facebook ~ Reel View - 1k/10k Day - Refill Lifetime - 0/1 Hour $0.0962 500 10 000 000 14 horas 3 minutos
Facebook Video Plays
6589 Facebook Video Plays ~ 0/10 mins - 100/10k Day - Lifetime Refill - No Drop $0.0371 500 2 147 483 647 149 horas 23 minutos
6588 Facebook Video Plays ~ 0/10 mins - 5k/100k Day - Lifetime Refill - No Drop $0.0628 500 2 147 483 647 13 horas 31 minutos
6654 Facebook Video Plays ~ 0/10 mins - 10k/100k Day - Lifetime Refill - No Drop $0.1885 500 2 147 483 647 25 horas 3 minutos
Facebook LiveStream Views Plays
6590 Facebook LiveStream Views Plays ~ 0/10 mins - 5k/100k Day - Lifetime Refill - No Drop $0.1183 500 2 147 483 647 5 horas 11 minutos
6655 Facebook LiveStream Views Plays ~ 0/10 mins - 10k/100k Day - Lifetime Refill - No Drop $0.3548 500 2 147 483 647 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Video View [10k-100k Day] [S1]
4638 Facebook ~ Reel/Video Views- 3 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.0739 500 100 000 75 horas 7 minutos
5727 Facebook ~ Video Views- 10 Second - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.1522 500 10 000 000 121 horas 16 minutos
5728 Facebook ~ Video Views- 15 Second - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.1593 500 100 000 000 64 horas 27 minutos
5729 Facebook ~ Video Views- 30 Second - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.1883 500 2 147 483 647 41 horas 21 minutos
5746 Facebook ~ Video Views- 1 Minute - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.2173 500 1 000 000 000 69 horas 54 minutos
5747 Facebook ~ Video Views- 3 Minute - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.4345 500 100 000 000 41 horas 51 minutos
5748 Facebook ~ Video Views- 6 Minute - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.5793 500 1 000 000 000 59 horas 55 minutos
5749 Facebook ~ Video Views- 10 Minute - 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.869 500 1 000 000 000 52 horas 26 minutos
Facebook Video Views [Speed:30k-100k Day] [S3]
3587 Facebook ~ Reel/Video Views- 3 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.4345 500 1 000 000 8 horas 30 minutos
3588 Facebook ~ Video Views- 10 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - Lifetime Refill $0.4564 500 10 000 000 6 horas 26 minutos
3589 Facebook ~ Video Views- 15 Second ~ 0-10 Mins Lifetime Refill $0.4779 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3590 Facebook ~ Video Views- 30 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - 500/3k Day - Lifetime Refill $0.5649 500 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3591 Facebook ~ Video Views- 1 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 500/3k Day - Lifetime Refill $0.6518 500 10 000 000 14 horas 51 minutos
3592 Facebook ~ Video Views- 3 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 500/3k Day - Lifetime Refill $1.3036 500 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3593 Facebook ~ Video Views- 6 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 500/3k Day - Lifetime Refill $1.7381 500 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3594 Facebook ~ Video Views- 10 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 500/3k Day - Lifetime Refill $2.607 500 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Video Views [Speed:10k-150k Day] [S4]
3854 Facebook View [Reel/Video] [3 Sec] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:10k-30k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $0.6518 500 100 000 4 horas 48 minutos
3855 Facebook View [Video] [10 Sec] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $0.6844 500 100 000 8 horas 53 minutos
3856 Facebook View [Video] [15 Sec] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $0.717 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3857 Facebook View [Video] [30 Sec] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $0.8474 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3858 Facebook View [Video] [1 Minute] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $0.9776 500 10 000 000 7 horas 23 minutos
3859 Facebook View [Video] [3-Minute] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $1.9553 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
3860 Facebook View [Video] [6 Minute] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $2.607 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
5110 Facebook View [Video] [10 Minute] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] [Refill:Lifetime] $3.9106 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Video Views [Speed:20k-250k Day] [S5]
3848 Facebook ~ Reel/Video Views- 3 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $0.7604 500 1 000 000 6 horas 42 minutos
3849 Facebook ~ Video Views- 10 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $0.7984 500 10 000 000 19 horas 56 minutos
3850 Facebook ~ Video Views- 15 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $0.8364 500 10 000 000 7 horas 46 minutos
3851 Facebook ~ Video Views- 30 Second ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $0.9885 500 10 000 000 4 horas 33 minutos
3852 Facebook ~ Video Views- 1 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $1.1406 500 10 000 000 2 horas 15 minutos
3853 Facebook ~ Video Views- 3 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $2.2811 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
4765 Facebook ~ Video Views- 6 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $3.0415 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
4766 Facebook ~ Video Views- 10 Minute ~ 0-10 Mins - 4k/20k Day - Lifetime Refill $4.5623 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Video View [10k-100k Day]
1142 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [3-Sec] $0.4419 500 1 000 000 19 horas 26 minutos
1144 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [10-Sec] $0.4641 500 1 000 000 36 horas 9 minutos
1145 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [15-Sec] $0.486 500 100 000 000 192 horas 22 minutos
1147 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [30-Sec] $0.5745 500 10 000 000 12 horas 24 minutos
1148 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [1-Minute] $0.6628 500 10 000 000 22 horas 7 minutos
1149 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [3-Minute] $1.3257 500 10 000 000 57 horas 4 minutos
1150 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [6-Minute] $1.7675 500 10 000 000 Dados insuficientes
1151 Facebook Video Views [Start Time:10 mins] [Speed:10k-100k Day] [Refill:lifetime] [10-Minute] $2.6512 500 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Video Views
539 Facebook ~ Reel View - 1k/10k Day - Refill Lifetime - 0/1 Hour $0.4345 500 1 000 000 25 horas 34 minutos
1388 Facebook Video/Reel Views ~ 0/20 mins - 500-10k Day - Refill Lifetime - Drop No $0.0312 500 10 000 000 42 horas 44 minutos
3306 Facebook ~ Video View - 1k/30k Day - Refill Lifetime - 0/1 Hour $0.4345 500 1 000 000 232 horas 14 minutos
457 Facebook Views [Reel/Video] [Start:0-10 mins] [Speed:1k-20k Day] [Refill-Lifetime] [3-Second] $0.4332 500 100 000 23 horas 48 minutos
3575 ID 3575 - Facebook Reels Views [100k-Day] [No-Drop] [0-10 Mins] $0.93 500 100 000 20 horas 43 minutos
1386 ID 1386 - Facebook Video View [3-Second] [Instant] [50k-100kDay] $0.8402 500 10 000 000 41 horas 30 minutos
3597 Facebook View [Reel/Video] [3 Sec] [Start:10 mins] [Refill:Lifetime] $0.8549 500 100 000 8 horas 39 minutos
4624 Facebook Views [Video/Reel] [Start:0-1 Hour] [Speed:500-10k Day] [Refill-Lifetime] [3-Second] $0.8768 1 000 1 000 000 6 horas 29 minutos
1942 ID 1942 - Facebook View [Reels] [50k-100k Day] [No-Drop] [0-1hour] $1.06 500 100 000 000 Dados insuficientes
540 Facebook [Reel/Video] View [Start:0-10 Mins] [Speed:100k-300k Day] $2.64 500 100 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook 60k Minutes [Live]
6124 Facebook 60k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:3 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $2.8967 1 000 1 000 3 horas 3 minutos
6125 Facebook 60k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:2 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $3.1864 1 000 1 000 32 horas
6126 Facebook 60k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:1 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $4.345 1 000 1 000 51 horas 50 minutos
5878 Facebook 60k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:3 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $5.7935 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5879 Facebook 60k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:2 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $6.3728 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5880 Facebook 60k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:1 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $8.6902 1 000 1 000 2 horas 54 minutos
Facebook 60k Minute [Offline] [Small Length Video]
5764 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-1Hour] [Min- 3 minute Video] [Refill:Lifetime] $9.637 1 000 1 000 95 horas 17 minutos
5765 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-1Hour] [Min- 6 minute Video] [Refill:Lifetime] $6.4285 1 000 1 000 159 horas 22 minutos
5923 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-1Hour] [Min- 10 minute Video] [Refill:Lifetime] $5.7615 1 000 1 000 148 horas 15 minutos
Facebook 60k Minute [Offline]
5245 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 3 Hour 5 Second Video] [Slow-Speed] $0.4537 1 000 1 000 3 horas 58 minutos
5246 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 2 Hour 5 Second Video] [Slow-Speed] $0.4991 1 000 1 000 4 horas 30 minutos
5247 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 1 Hour 5 Second Video] [Slow-Speed] $0.6806 1 000 1 000 10 horas 20 minutos
5704 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 3 Hour 5 Second Video] [Normal-Speed] $0.776 1 000 1 000 4 horas 2 minutos
5705 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 2 Hour 5 Second Video] [Normal-Speed] $0.8535 1 000 1 000 5 horas 10 minutos
5706 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 1 Hour 5 Second Video] [Normal-Speed] $1.1639 1 000 1 000 8 horas 5 minutos
5248 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 3 Hour 5 Second Video] [Fast-Speed] $1.1639 1 000 1 000 3 horas 55 minutos
5249 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 2 Hour 5 Second Video] [Fast-Speed] $1.2803 1 000 1 000 4 horas 22 minutos
5250 60k Minute Offline [Start:0-10 mins] [Min- 1 Hour 5 Second Video] [Fast-Speed] $1.7459 1 000 1 000 11 horas 26 minutos
Facebook 120k Minute [Offline]
5518 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=3 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Slow] $0.7216 1 000 1 000 4 horas 20 minutos
5519 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=2 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Slow] $0.7938 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5520 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=1 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Slow] $1.0825 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5515 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=3 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.1639 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5516 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=2 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.2803 1 000 1 000 7 horas 11 minutos
5517 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=1 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.7459 1 000 1 000 13 horas 27 minutos
5903 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=3 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.7459 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5904 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=2 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.9204 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5905 Facebook 120k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=1 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $2.6187 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook 180k Minute [Offline]
5906 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=3 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Slow] $1.0864 1 000 1 000 9 horas 19 minutos
5907 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=2 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Slow] $1.195 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5908 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=1 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Slow] $1.6295 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5521 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=3 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.5519 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5522 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=2 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $1.707 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5523 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=1 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] $2.3278 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5524 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=3 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Fast] $2.3278 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5525 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=2 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Fast] $2.5604 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5526 Facebook 180k Minute Offline [Video Length Minimum=1 Hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Fast] $3.4916 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook 600K Minute [Offline]
5256 Facebook 600k minute [Instant] [Min Video Length:3 Hour 5 second] [Refill:lifetime] $2.3401 1 000 1 000 21 horas 24 minutos
549 Facebook 600k minute [Instant] [Min Video Length:2 Hour 5 second] [Refill:lifetime] $2.5741 1 000 1 000 34 horas 30 minutos
550 Facebook 600k minute [Instant] [Min Video Length:1 Hour 5 second] [Refill:lifetime] $3.5101 1 000 1 000 127 horas 2 minutos
5251 Facebook 600k minute [Min Video Length:3 Hour 5 second] [Start:0-1 Hour] $4.6802 1 000 1 000 30 horas 10 minutos
5254 Facebook 600k minute [Min Video Length:2 Hour 5 second] [Start:0-1 Hour] $5.148 1 000 1 000 14 horas 56 minutos
5255 Facebook 600k minute [Min Video Length:1 Hour 5 second] [Start:0-1 Hour] $5.9118 1 000 1 000 131 horas 17 minutos
Facebook 600k Minutes [Live]
4204 Facebook 600k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:3 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:Normal] $7.3896 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5874 Facebook 600k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:2 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:Normal] $8.1286 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5875 Facebook 600k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:1 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:Normal] $11.0844 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5873 Facebook 600k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:3 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:Fast] $14.7792 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5876 Facebook 600k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:2 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:Fast] $16.257 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
5877 Facebook 600k Minute [Live] [Video Minimum:1 hour 5 Second] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:Fast] $22.1687 1 000 1 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook 100k Reels
4005 Facebook ~ 100k Reel Play - 10-20 Days Complete - Refill-Lifetime - 0/1 Hour $1.3483 1 000 1 000 230 horas 41 minutos
5762 Facebook Reel [100k Play] [Start:10 mins] [Speed:1- 10 Day Complete] [Refill:Lifetime] $1.3249 1 000 1 000 236 horas 38 minutos
Facebook Live Stream Viewer [1000 Quantity= 1000 Views]
4448 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=15 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $0.342 10 9 000 1 hora 5 minutos
4464 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=30 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $0.684 10 30 000 44 minutos
4465 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=60 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $1.368 10 30 000 2 horas 50 minutos
4466 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=90 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $2.052 10 30 000 3 horas 27 minutos
4467 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=120 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $2.736 10 30 000 9 horas 6 minutos
4468 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=150 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $3.42 10 30 000 22 horas 35 minutos
4469 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=180 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $4.104 10 30 000 14 horas 40 minutos
4470 ID 4470- Facebook Live Stream - 240 Mins $13.44 50 10 000 2 horas 14 minutos
4471 ID 4471- Facebook Live Stream - 300 Mins $16.80 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
4472 Facebook Live Stream [Viewer=360 Minute] [Start:5 mins] [Stable Viewer 1000=1000] $4.1696 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
4473 ID 4473- Facebook Live Stream - 420 Mins $23.52 50 10 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Viewer [60%-100% Viewer] [S1]
3861 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 30 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $1.1122 50 500 2 horas 21 minutos
3862 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 60 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $2.1874 50 500 2 horas 37 minutos
3863 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 90 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $3.281 50 500 Dados insuficientes
3864 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 120 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $4.3747 50 500 Dados insuficientes
3865 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 150 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $5.4683 50 500 Dados insuficientes
3866 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 180 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $6.562 50 500 Dados insuficientes
3867 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 210 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $7.6557 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4198 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 240 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $8.7493 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4199 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 270 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $9.8429 30 500 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Viewer [70%-100% Viewer] [S2]
1228 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 30 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $1.2414 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1229 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 60 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $2.4829 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1230 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 90 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $3.7245 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1231 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 120 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $4.9658 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1232 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 150 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $6.2072 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1233 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 180 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $7.4487 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1234 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 210 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $8.69 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1235 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 240 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $9.9316 50 500 Dados insuficientes
1236 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 270 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $11.1731 50 500 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Viewer [75%-100% Viewer] [S3]
4366 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 30 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $1.3303 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4367 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 60 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $2.6602 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4368 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 90 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $3.9905 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4369 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 120 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $5.3204 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4360 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 150 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $6.6506 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4559 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 180 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $7.9806 50 500 Dados insuficientes
3952 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 210 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $9.3108 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4370 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 240 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $10.6411 50 500 Dados insuficientes
3954 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 270 Mins - Start 0/2 Mins $11.971 50 500 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Viewer [80%-100% Viewer] [S4]
569 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 30 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $1.7735 50 500 Dados insuficientes
570 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 60 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $3.547 50 500 Dados insuficientes
571 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 90 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $5.3204 50 500 Dados insuficientes
572 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 120 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $7.0941 50 500 Dados insuficientes
573 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 150 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $8.8674 50 500 Dados insuficientes
574 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 180 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $10.6411 50 500 Dados insuficientes
575 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 210 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $12.4145 50 500 Dados insuficientes
578 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 240 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $14.1881 50 500 Dados insuficientes
585 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 270 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $14.1881 50 500 Dados insuficientes
586 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 300 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $17.7349 50 500 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Viewer [90%-100% Viewer] [S5]
4357 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 30 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $2.2168 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4358 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 60 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $4.4339 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4359 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 90 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $6.6506 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4361 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 120 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $8.8674 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4362 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 150 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $11.0845 30 1 000 Dados insuficientes
4363 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 180 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $13.3012 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4364 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 210 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $15.5181 50 500 Dados insuficientes
4365 Facebook ~ Live Stream Viewer For 270 Mins - Start 0/5 Mins $17.7349 50 500 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Chat [ Likes / Reaction ]
707 Facebook Live Stream Video [👍Like👍] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:1k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9822 50 10 000 10 horas 20 minutos
708 Facebook Live Stream Video [❤️Love❤️] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:1k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9822 50 10 000 11 horas 29 minutos
709 Facebook Live Stream Video [😮WoW😮] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:1k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9822 50 50 000 Dados insuficientes
710 Facebook Live Stream Video [😥SAD😥] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:1k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9822 50 50 000 Dados insuficientes
711 Facebook Live Stream Video [😡Angry😡] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:1k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9822 50 50 000 Dados insuficientes
712 Facebook Live Stream Video [🥰Care🥰] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9822 50 10 000 14 horas 45 minutos
4618 Facebook Live Stream Video [👍Like👍] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9478 50 1 000 000 16 horas 18 minutos
5767 Facebook Live Stream Video [❤️Love❤️] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9854 50 1 000 000 13 horas 16 minutos
5768 Facebook Live Stream Video [😂HaHa😂] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9764 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
5769 Facebook Live Stream Video [😮WoW😮] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9854 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
5770 Facebook Live Stream Video [😥SAD😥] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9854 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
5771 Facebook Live Stream Video [😡Angry😡] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9854 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
5772 Facebook Live Stream Video [🥰Care🥰] [Start time:1 Min] [Speed:5k-Hourly] [Refill:No] $0.9854 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Comments
1541 ID 1541 - Facebook Live Video Comment [Custom] [No-Drop] [Fast] [Real-User] $7.00 10 10 000 280 horas 12 minutos
4631 ID 4631- Facebook Live-Stream Comments [Custom] [0-2 Mins] [5k-Day] [No-Refill] $22.00 10 1 000 000 Dados insuficientes
4629 ID 4629 - Facebook Live-Stram [Random] Comments [0-1 min start] [Real-User] $10.00 10 100 000 Dados insuficientes
Facebook Live Stream Share
4625 Facebook Share [Live-Stream] [Start:5 mins] [Speed:Naturally] [Refill:No] [Drop:No] $4.07 50 10 000 133 horas 10 minutos
Facebook Event [ Joint / Interested ]
1179 Facebook Event [Join/Confirmed] [0/1 Hour] [Real-User] [Worldwide] [100/1k Day] [No Refill] $6.363 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
6673 Facebook Share Event [0/1 Hour] [Real-User] [Worldwide] [100/1k Day] [No Refill] $19.796 1 10 000 Dados insuficientes
1180 Facebook Event [Interested] [Start:1 Hour] [Speed:1k-2k Day] [Refill:No] [Worldwide-User] $29.11 15 100 000 Dados insuficientes